Friday, February 11, 2011

3000 Crores and counting

Rs 3000 crores is what A Raja is supposed to have received as bribes. That's only what has been unearthed and reported.  How much money does the guy need for heaven's sake? Nobody appears to talk thousands and lakhs anymore. These are the people we vote into high office. What amazes me is the fact that he doesn't appear to be stressed out, going by his TV shots and can actually manage a smile.

Its truly said, if you default on a one lakh loan from a bank, you're in trouble. But if you take a few crores on loan and decide not to pay, the bank is in trouble. Perhaps that is what even the Satyam boss Ramalinga Raju had in mind when he decided to skim off all that moolah. What is it with these Andhra guys lately. After putting the shivers into American and European scientists with their well known skills in Maths and IT, they seem to be looking for other folks to scare.

The funny thing about all these scamsters is the choice of names for their front companies - Adarsh, Satyam, Devas etc Then they go ahead and send their funds to places like 'St' Kitts. Sukh Ram hid his ill gotten gains in his mandir, behind the murti!

Another funny part is that all the top scamsters till now, Madhu Koda, A Raja, Harshad Mehta, Sukh Ram and others are very nondescript looking characters. Neither do they correspond to the Bollywood image of a nasty looking lecherous baddie mouthing wild dialogues, nor the Hollywood image of a suave crook like Leonardo di Caprio in the movie Catch Me if You Can. Even the Citibank guy looked very ordinary. I suppose we'll now have to learn face reading to understand the propensity of a political hopeful to crookery and can't go by the guys qualifications and track record.

Cheers for now, more later

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